Woods, An Art

Jane Summers Poetry Classics

The poems describe nature, seasons, rivers during different seasons of the year.

The poems hint at emotions such as happiness, peace, harmony, and the finer aspects of life.

All poems have some moral, a positive outcome, a need for harmony, and a peace for a living.

Some poems have a theme of culture, some of India celebrations and festivals shown through customs and traditions.

The poetry classics are collectibles, a treasure for a classic reading at all times, but more specifically during holiday times amidst a family setting.

Poetry is a source of inspiration for creativity for innovation and invention.

Jane Summers



A collection of Poetry Classics – Vol- VIX A Diamond Collection

Jane Summers poetry classics, brings out the different aspects of nature. The poet uses seasons to describe the changes in colors of seasons,  the promises to renew of an autumn for fulfillment of a season, a family togetherness through celebrations of festivals and others:

A pacific book review of Jane Summers highlights the following excerpt from the the book Seasonal Woods written by Jane Summ

Something happened to me while reading this book. I truly had an emotional moment as a tear came to my eye. The simplicity of the code prose of poet and author Jane Summers is very sensitive and insightful. What seems simple becomes deep when a reader slows down, re-reads the brief poems, and after seeing the author’s footnote about the poem, one gains a deeper understanding and appreciation of this very powerful collection of poetry titled Seasonal Woods.

Interlaced with lovely photographs mostly of nature and landscapes, Summers uses short lines of common words, but it is the way she lays them out which shows to readers the intrinsic skill of her wordsmithing. She reveals thoughts, observations of nature, behavior of people in one’s life and most importantly a window to emotional sensitivity in which she innoxiously presents. She touches upon topics of maternal love, teacher’s gifts of knowledge, peaceful moments, friendship and many laws of nature. Her poems are short yet her message lingers and triggers something in the readers’ mind; something a book of poetry aspires to achieve.

Summers states, “A person that can listen and appreciate others is a beautiful person.” To that I add a reader who can enjoy the thoughts of a poet is a fortunate person. Reading the words as they bring to life glimpses and observations of feelings of love, respect and friendship within the pages of Seasonal Woods is a wonderful example of just how poetry can be written in a humble and unassuming way.

As this book is generously laid out with a table of content, one can page this book sequentially or skip to the poems in which the title intrigues the reader. As with most poetry genre books, it can be picked up and started and paused at any point within the book, making this an ideal companion book for taking on a journey or having on a coffee table or in a waiting room. As much as a gift to oneself, it makes an ideal gift to a loved one as well. So to all who can appreciate others, you can be fortunate by adding Seasonal Woods to your reading wish list.

Order a Copy Now!



The following songs from the musical album Autumn Sacred.




The following songs from the Musical Album: Summer Seasons




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